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Pitt County, NC
CURRENT BID - $59,397.97 - House and lot in Grifton, NC
March 20, 2025

MAR 19
Vacant lot in Fairfield, NC
This auction is of a 0.40+/- acre vacant lot located beside 519 Church Street in Fairfield, NC. This lot is partially cleared and has frontage on Church Street. This auction will be held live on location at the property on Wednesday, March 19, 2025 at 10am. This property is being sold in the Matter of the Estate of Virginia L. Harris Carawan (living) Hyde County File 24SP001016-470
This auction is subject to a (10) day upset bid raise period. Sold "free & clear" of liens and with taxes prorated as of day of closing.
LOCATION - Church Street, Fairfield, NC
REID - 1817
PIN - 8626-44-9114
SIZE - GIS calculated 17,824 SF
THE PROPERTY IS BEING SOLD “FREE & CLEAR” OF LIENS – Any liens, if any, will be satisfied at or before closing and is being sold free of all known liens.
THE PROPERTY IS BEING SOLD “AS IS, WHERE IS” – This property is being sold in its current condition with no Buyer contingencies. The information included in the advertising, sales packages, and other is intended for general information purposes only. This information has been provided to us as accurate from outside sources, public records, and other information platforms, however the Seller, Country Boys Auction & Realty, Inc., its employees, Brokers, and associates, hold themselves harmless for any and/or all the information provided in this package. Furthermore, all drawings, maps, letters, descriptions, etc., are “unofficial.” It is the sole responsibility and obligation of the buyer to inspect the property prior to the time of sale and do any and all research they deem necessary prior to bidding.
ESTATE STATUTES - The sale is subject to all North Carolina Estate General Statutes including a “(10) day upset bid raise period”, meaning that the last and final bid at the auction is recorded with the Clerk of Court for the county that the property is located in and held “open”. Anyone can contact the Clerk’s office and raise the bid during the raise period. All raises made after the close of the auction must be of at least 5% of previous recorded bid and must be made through the Clerk’s office. Each time the bid is raised, the (10) day “upset bid period” starts over. This process continues until there have been no raises. At that time, the file is sent to the Clerk for the confirmation process. Once confirmed, the high bidder will have (30) days to close on the property.
BROKER - Country Boys Auction & Realty, Inc., its Brokers, and employees are agents for the Seller and have no dual agency representation of responsibilities. Any agent or Broker working with a Buyer will be a Buyer's Agent and would need to be compensated by the Buyer.
DEPOSIT - A deposit in the amount of 5% of the high bid amount (or $750.00, whichever is the greater amount) is required by the high bidder immediately upon completion of the auction. The auction company accepts cash or check. The property is being sold “free and clear” of all liens, or with liens satisfied at closing.
CLOSING – The balance of the sales amount will be due at closing. The Buyer will have (30) days from the time of confirmation to close on the property.
TAXES - The property is being sold with taxes prorated as of day of closing, meaning the current year taxes will be split between the Buyer and the Seller based on the closing date; the Seller will pay all prior year’s taxes.